Friday, February 18, 2011

The Epic Blogas Week in Review (Feb 18th)

I'm fuckin' out!

This Week in Alcoholism:  When Kenny Powers of Eastbound and Down does it, it’s hilarious.  When all-world first baseman Miguel Cabrera does it, it’s sad.  A Florida sheriff’s deputy spotted the 27-year old Cabrera in a parked car on the side of the road with smoke coming from under the hood.  When approached by the deputy, Cabrera uttered the go-to phrase that every famous person who’s ever been drunk and in trouble has used: “Do you know who I am?”  In true Kenny Powers fashion, Cabrera then took a swig from an open bottle of scotch that he had with him.  Unfortunately for Cabrera, this wasn’t a scripted HBO comedy.

Mom of the Year front runner.

Mom of the Week:  Congratulations to our first unanimous mom-of-the-week winner, Caira Ferguson, 21, of Chester Township, PA.  In an attempt to show that she had been a victim of identity theft, Ferguson went to police with a picture of her with her daughter.  That seems innocent enough, right?  Wrong.  The picture featured a smiling Ferguson, alongside her then one-year old daughter whose arms and legs were duct taped to a chair while a piece of tape covered her mouth.  Needless to say, police were much more interested in the picture than the actual identity theft claim.  

The surviving three members have
started a "Never Miss a Doctor's
Appointment Club."  
This Week in Karma:  When you’re pushing 80 years old, the last thing you want to do is tempt the Grim Reaper.  But that’s exactly what Bob Cook did when he and the three other men of the “Never Miss a Super Bowl Club” filmed a commercial for Visa touting their perfect Super Bowl attendance.  Cook became ill as he was getting ready for his trip to Dallas. He was later hospitalized and unable to attend the game. Sadly, his condition worsened and he passed away earlier this week.   Superstitions and sports go hand-in-hand.  In baseball, when a pitcher is throwing a no-hitter, his teammates don’t talk to him in the dugout and the radio/TV announcers don’t discuss it on air.  I’m not suggesting Cook was deserving of his fate, but when you have a streak like that going, you don’t talk about it, let alone flaunt it on national television for millions to see. 

Stay classy, Detroit.
City of the Week:  Detroit, MI.  It’s nice to see that the American public has been paying attention to the recent turmoil in the Middle East.  If you take a closer look, you’ll see that the people of Egypt and the people of Detroit really aren’t all that different.  Both groups bravely stood up to their government to achieve a result for the common good of the people.  A grassroots campaign in Detroit helped raise $50,000 to help a RoboCop statue become a reality.  The campaign kicked off after a lighthearted tweet was sent to Detroit’s Mayor, Dave Bing.  "Philadelphia has a statue of Rocky & Robocop would kick Rocky's butt. He's a GREAT ambassador for Detroit," the tweet read.  Mayor Bing shot down the idea, but citizens took notice.  A Facebook group was started, the website launched and $25,000 was donated by a local businessman.  

Other statues to be erected in 2011:  John Spartan (of Demolition Man), in an undetermined location in the San Angeles region;  Ferris Bueller, outside of Wrigley Field in Chicago; and dual Crocodile Dundee statues, one in Grand Central Station in Manhattan and the other at the foot of the Sydney Opera House in Australia.  


  1. didn't know about the superbowl dude missing the game....but you are so right

  2. yes that fellow's illness/dying was related to him "flaunting" his streak... give me a break. the commercial was an opportunity to make some $ to leave behind for his family. Additionally I think it is completely acceptable for an 80 year old man to want to receive some recognition for this quite impressive accomplishment

  3. sar·casm   
    [sahr-kaz-uhm] –noun
    1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
    2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

  4. ha, I'm an idiot. sarcasm meter= broken
